The Struggle Between the Free World and Global Tyrannical Communism. What Happens When There Are Enemies Within?
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The CIA (Capitalism and Liberty) vs. Communist Nations (Ultra-Socialism and Tyranny).

This site attempts to reveal only a small amount of the CIA’s history as well as its modern corruption. This site mixes peaceful and legal activism with history.. This site acknowledges some conspiracy theories because some theories do indeed have a lot of evidence to support them. This site acknowledges that there are good people in the CIA, however, there is mounting evidence that there are also BAD people in the CIA.

This site serves as a springboard for your own personal research. Research on the uncensored video site and the uncensored search engine

As a political disclaimer, this website is run by a life-long American Democrat. However, there is factual science in politics and economics. This organization believes in peaceful and legal discussions of all topics. War is NEVER the answer when simple diplomatic conversations can solve world problems.

When politics meet warfare, anything and everything becomes a weapon.

Some weapons are obvious, but some subtle weapons can prove to be much more mighty than conventional means. Are some weapons too dangerous to have for any one person or government?

How much secrecy is required when using taxpayer dollars? What happens when taxpaying voters don’t want to go to war nor help fund our foreign allies in wars against Communism?

Are soldiers on both sides of conflict EXPLOITED in order to benefit a small group of international rich elites who manipulate governments for profit and power?

How can a Capitalist Society cure poverty in order to dissuade voters away from Communism and Socialism? Is it possible to legally use Pure Cocaine to cure global poverty? (See videos below about the infamous CIA “Iran Contra Affair” under republican President Ronald Reagan.)

Is it possible to control Mainstream News in order to brainwash the masses into wanting to go to war with an enemy of your choice? Can you provoke a Civil War by having a country’s different News Stations tell opposing Lies and Stories?

Do some conspiracy theorists have evidence about secret CIA operations?

Does the CIA run a secret UFO program? Is it illegal for the CIA to hide UFO technology from Presidents, top military officials, and the public?

Can foreign enemies hijack our own trusted CIA and other national institutions by simply weaponizing blackmail? Is there evidence that the different nations’ Intelligence Agencies work together, even with enemy nations’ Intel Agencies? If so, who is really in charge?

Do Intel Agencies commit “False Flags”, or attacks on their own innocent citizens in order to have an excuse for war or new Draconian Laws in the name of National Security?

See more research on the Instagram page of 2nd Amendment Democrat Journalist Cyrus Segura @noops404

Major Themes:

  • Gang warfare (Iran-Contra Affair)
  • Corruption and sexual blackmail (Jeffrey Epstein, the Franklin Scandal, “The Finders” cult, and Pizzagate)
  • Medical sabotage (mRNA Covid vaccines)
  • Control of the News (Operation Mockingbird and the Modernized Smith-Mundt Act)
  • Illegally secret UFO program, whose technology would bankrupt the Oil and Electric Car Tycoons

Because Irregular Warfare can and does weaponize politics, we must all agree in the possibility that our own nations' trusted politicians could be illegally weaponized against their voters through blackmail and other means. Therefore, it is our duty as citizens to openly discuss politics factually. We must also agree that our trusted News Institutions can and do lie A LOT.

The CIA pre-meditated COVID.

The CIA (Avril Haines) and the Chinese CDC (George Gao) pre-meditated COVID one month before it was released (probably from the Wuhan, China lab). The CIA filmed the event and called it “Event 201”, where they all got together and simulated a “fake, global coronavirus pandemic”. In this video, you will see how they pre-meditated how to censor alternative news, that in real life were actually covering the COVID and Vaccine corruption. Also at “Event 201” were representatives from the Bill Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and John Hopkins University.

Was the ultimate goal a communist strategy to take our rights away and sabotage our militaries globally?

The American NIH finally admitted to "Gain of Function Research" under Dr. Anthony Fauci

After years of denial, the truth is finally out. How many years back was COVID-19 pre-meditated? See the video below.

At a European Union international 3rd Covid summit, Dr. David Martin shows patents for Covid-19 vaccines that date back several decades before Covid-19 was released from the Wuhan Lab

Apparently Covid-19 was pre-meditated for many decades prior to 2020.

Was the plan all along to medically sabotage America’s entire military and also its potential civilian militia forces?

On a side note, if you need IVERMECTIN or other anti-COVID resources, check out this page.

If the CIA pre-mediated COVID with the Chinese CCP, then it would mean pre-meditated bio-terrorism. Check out this page for more info.

When the CIA was busted using Pure Cocaine to fund anti-communist foreign militias.

There is A LOT of easy money in Pure Cocaine. A LOT of people in the 1980’s snorted Cocaine when it was pure. Even judges, police, lawyers, and politicians. Perhaps today we should lax the laws. Perhaps we should decriminalize Pure Cocaine in order to help cure global poverty and to help fund foreign militias fight communist governments like the Chinese CCP.

Do Intelligence Agencies commit False Flags, or murder their own innocent citizens for an excuse for war and power?

With the recent terrorist mass shooting in Russia (March 23rd, 2023), many researchers should be reminded of the time when the Russian FSB was caught trying to murder their own citizens in a “False Flag” to create an excuse for war and power. Here is a Yahoo News article even talking about it.

Don’t forget, the CIA, British MI6, and Israel’s MOSSAD are all accused of committing False Flags against their own innocent citizens as well.

Interestingly, Russia is now accusing the CIA, MI6 and Ukraine of being responsible for the March, 2023 terrorist mass shooting in Russia. Officially, ISIS has claimed responsibility, but at the end of the day, we do not know the truth. What we do know is that the CIA funded Al-Qaeda in the 1980s to fight the USSR, and Israel even funded Hamas (probably to counter the then moderate Palestinian political party).

More info to come soon.

The relationship between Intelligence Agencies and the global drug trade.

The CIA and USSR in the Cold War amidst the drug trade.

The CIA, the mafia, and the Vatican join forces to defeat Communism in the voting process.

The CIA and the power of sexual blackmail.

Sexual blackmail rings run by Donald Trump’s mentor and super anti-communist Roy Cohn. The highly illegal use of minors to sexually entrap politicians into blackmail. What happens when pedophiles take over the blackmail operation run by the CIA?

The Franklin Scandal: Child trafficking tied to the CIA, FBI, government, and some news outlets.

Besides the notorious Jeffrey Epstein, there have been a few other individuals accused of child trafficking on behalf of the CIA and FBI. This sensational story was officially acknowledged by American senator John DeCamp in a book he authored.

"The Finders" Satanic child-trafficking cult that had major links to the CIA.

This insanely mind-blowing documentary shows major reputable News sources discussing this topic. This documentary is loaded with excellent research. The FBI and police were told to STOP investigating this case, even though major evidence of child trafficking and abuse was publicly acknowledged.

Pizzagate: Fact or fiction?

Ben Swann of a local CBS news affiliate once described the facts about Pizzagate from Wikileaks in 2016. In the following link is a documentary that links notorious child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein to trafficking small minors, not just teenagers. If you don’t know who Epstein is, look him up! In this documentary, at 38:17, see the analysis that ties Jeffrey Epstein to child trafficking of small children by the CIA and Israel’s MOSSAD. Soon after that time in the video, CIA agent whistleblower John Kiriakou says that the CIA leadership tells its agents to in fact traffick small children.

Keep in mind, that this documentary was published BEFORE U.S. president Donald Trump was found to be on the Epstein Plane 7 times. If you remember when Pizzagate came out in 2016, many people believed that Trump would investigate and arrest the Pizzagate criminals, but he never did so. He also never pardoned Julian Assange for publishing the Pizzagate emails, even though Trump said he had the power to do so.

Many people who believed that Trump would stop the Pizzagate criminals eventually became Q Anon supporters, since Q Anon claimed that Trump was secretly after the Pizzagate criminals. Putting all this data together now makes the anonymous “Q Anon” seem to be one big, fake psyop meant to pacify people who knew about Pizzagate.

The secret UFO program ran by the "Military Industrial Complex" and the CIA

How much do you know about UFOs? How many UFOs are piloted by aliens vs humans? This documentary by the famous Dr. Steven Greer explains a lot of the contemporary research so far into UFOs (but not all of it). In this documentary, Greer claims that anyone has the telepathic power to summon UFOs when meditating in groups of people at night, using a protocol that Greer developed himself, called a “CE-5”, or “Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind”. See more at the timecode at 20:13.

Important to note, is that Greer was interviewed on the famous CIA Navy Seal show, the Shawn Ryan Show on YouTube.

Just beware not to trust everything that these two characters claim. Not all UFO researchers trust Dr. Steven Greer, and some followers of Greer mock UFOlogists like David Icke. Although it seems that the CIA is beginning to declassify these things, there have been congressional hearings, where witnesses claim the CIA uses “disinformation agents” to fool the public sometimes about UFOs.